Focal Sub6 11″ Powered Studio Subwoofer
The Sub6 is a large volume cabinet design, equipped with an 11″ woofer and a rear laminar port. This configuration guarantees bass linearity whatever the intended SPL.
The control board is extremely versatile, with connectivity which allows a 2.1, 2.2 and multichannel use via the L/R inputs and outputs and the LFE.
The numerous settings such as the high-pass crossover dedicated to monitors, the adjustable phase and level control provide optimum coupling with the Solo6 Be and the Twin6 Be monitors. And finally, a small, but important point: the footswitch input. It enables one to connect a pedal to deactivate the subwoofer and the high-pass crossovers on the outputs that supply the monitors. This simplifies and greatly improves control during the different stages in monitoring.